Sedmi dan. :-)
Kao sto vidite po naslovu, bili smo u muzeju Luvr. To je jedan od najpoznatijih i najvecih muzeja na svetu. Nalazi se na desnoj obali reke Sene u Palati Luvr.
Luvr je najposeceniji muzej u svetu, koga radnim danima poseti u proseku 15 000 turista na dan.
U muzeju je izlozeno mnogooo slika, ali moja zelja je bila da vidim sliku Mona Lize.
U ovom postu procitacete i neke zanimljivosti i informacije u vezi sa ovim mestom.
Tako da, uzivajte! :-*
The seventh day. :-)
As you can see by the title, we were in the Louvre Museum. This is one of the most famous and largest museums in the world. It is situated on the right bank of the Seine in the Palace of the Louvre.
The Louvre is the most visited museum in the world, where every weekday visits an average of 15 000 tourists a day.
The museum displays a lot of pictures, but my desire was to see a picture of the Mona Lisa.
In this post I'll read some interesting facts and information related to this place.
So enjoy! :-*
♥ LOVE U ♥
I evo je :-)
Mona Liza - cuvena slika Leonarda da Vincija.
Predstavlja portret mlade firentinske dame Lize del Djakondo.
Mona, skraceno od Madona, znaci zena.
Slika je malih dimenzija, nastala u periodu od 1503. do 1505. godine.
Na prvi pogled, Mona Liza nema obrve.
Smatralo se da bi to mogao biti deo ideala lepote renesansne zene.
Medjutim, kasnije je otkriveno da su obrve naslikane, ali su vremenom izbledele.
And here it is :-)
Mona Lisa - the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
A portrait of a young Florentine ladies Liza del Djakonda.
Mona, short for Madonna, the importance of women.
The picture is small, resulting in a period in 1503. the 1505th year.
At first glance, the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
It was thought that this could be part of the ideal beauty of Renaissance women.
However, it was later discovered that eyebrows are painted, but they eventually faded.