Jako mi je zao sto se leto zavrsilo, jer jesen i zimu ne volim bas toliko.
Jedino zbog cega se radujem je nosenje zanimljivih kapica, poznatijih kao Beanies.
Imam svoju malu kolekciju, a ova crvena je deo iste. :-)
Uzivajte u ovoj nedelji dragi moji ! xoxo
I'm very sad that summer ended, because the autumn and winter I don't like quite as much.
The only thing I look forward is to wearing interesting caps, known as Beanies.
I have my own little collection, and this red beanie is the part of the same. :-)
Enjoy this week my dears! xoxo
♥ ♥ ♥
T-shirt: New Yorker
Jacket, Pants: Bought in Paris (not branded)
Bag: H&M
Sneakers: Converse
Beanie: Not branded
Rings: Six, Forever
Necklace: Bijou Brigitte
Nail polish : Avon
♥ ♥ ♥