Za danas potpuno drugačiji post, kakav do sada nisam objavljivala :-)
Reč je o novim proizvodima iz Avon-a, koje sa kupila ovih dana.
Pa da počnemo ! :-)
For today a completely different post, what I haven't published:-)
Those are my new product from Avon, which I bought these days.
So let's start! :-)
Prvi proizvod je Solutions tretman za oblikovanje tela, sa kompleksom sa aktivnim sastojcima koji oblikuje i zateže ruke, zadnjicu, stomak, kukove i butine.
Ja ću ga koristiti za određene delove tela, jer nemam problem sa svakim od navedenih :-D
Čini kožu hidriranom i glatkom. Dubinski hrani i održava hidrataciju kože 24h.
Proizvod sadrzi 150ml.
Evo rešenja da oblikujete i zategnete kritične delove tela i pripremite se za leto :-)
The first product is Solutions treatment for body contouring, with a complex of active ingredients that shapes and strengthens arms, buttocks, stomach, hips and thighs.
Of course, I will not use it at all these body parts :-D
Of course, I will not use it at all these body parts :-D
Makes your skin hydrated and smooth. Nourishes and maintains skin hydration 24 hours.
The product contains 150ml.
This is one of solutions to shape and tighten the critical parts of the body and get ready for the summer :-)
The product contains 150ml.
This is one of solutions to shape and tighten the critical parts of the body and get ready for the summer :-)
Sledeći je Piling za telo sa ekstraktom kolumbijske kafe (Planet Spa)
Čisti, osvežava i zateže kožu, poboljšava mikrocirkulaciju.
Probala sam ovaj proizvod, lepo miriše i dopada mi se što unutra ima i zlatan sjaj.
Proizvod sadrži 200ml.
Jako sam zadovoljna. :-)
The next is Body scrub with Colombian coffee extract (Planet Spa)
It cleans, refreshes and tightens the skin, improves microcirculation.
I tried this product, smells good and I like it that the inside have a golden glow.
It cleans, refreshes and tightens the skin, improves microcirculation.
I tried this product, smells good and I like it that the inside have a golden glow.
The product contains 200ml.
I am very satisfied. :-)
I am very satisfied. :-)
Zatim, Perfectly Purifying piling za lice.
Obogaćen mineralima iz Mrtvog mora, čisti kožu i čini je glatkom.
Ovo sam takođe probala, moja ocena je 10. :-)
Then, Perfectly Purifying Scrub.
Enriched with minerals from the Dead Sea, purifies the skin and makes it smooth.
This I also tried, my estimate - 10 :-)
Then, Perfectly Purifying Scrub.
Enriched with minerals from the Dead Sea, purifies the skin and makes it smooth.
This I also tried, my estimate - 10 :-)
Citrus Zing gel za tusiranje
Za njega mogu reći da je jedan od najboljih ! :-)
Ovakav jedan nosila sam prošle godine na more, odličan je za jutarnje tuširanje, ne piše džabe na njemu Awakeing :-D
Proizvod sadrži 250ml i toplo ga preporučujem svima.
Citrus Zing Shower Gel
For this product I must to say that is one of the best! :-)
I used this one last year on holiday, great for a morning shower, for a reason is written on it - AWAKEING :-D
The product contains 250ml and I highly recommend it to everyone.
Onda imamo, Sredstvo za čiscenje lica sa ekstraktom belog čaja.
Dobra stvar u vezi ovog proizvoda je što ga možete koristiti i za uklanjanje šminke.
Počela sam da ga koristim i dopada mi se. :-)
Proizvod sadrži 150ml.
Then we have, Facial Cleanser with White Tea Extract.
The good thing about this product is that it can be used for removing makeup.
I started to use it and like it. :-)
The product contains 150ml.
Then we have, Facial Cleanser with White Tea Extract.
The good thing about this product is that it can be used for removing makeup.
I started to use it and like it. :-)
The product contains 150ml.
I poslednji je parfem, Instinct.
Prelepo miriše, oduševljena sam ! :-)
Mirisne note su : svetlucavo zeleno bilje, kamilica i sandalovina.
Meni obično ništa ne znače mrisne note, uglavnom me više privuče zanimljiva bočica parfema. :-D
Pored ovog, u katalogu su u ponudi jos 4 parfema, trenutno traje prolećna ponuda i jako su povoljni, a sadrže 75ml.
And the last one is perfume Instinct.
And the last one is perfume Instinct.
Beautiful smells, I'm delighted! :-)
Aromatic notes are shiny green herb, chamomile and sandalwood.
In addition to this, in the catalog you can find another 4 perfume, currently lasts training spring action and they are very cheap, containing 75ml.
Aromatic notes are shiny green herb, chamomile and sandalwood.
In addition to this, in the catalog you can find another 4 perfume, currently lasts training spring action and they are very cheap, containing 75ml.
Nadam se da vam se svideo ovaj post :-)
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