среда, 25. септембар 2013.


Mislim da ce ovaj post biti najduzi do sada i to s razlogom. :-) <3
Treceg dana u Parizu ostvario mi se san. Bila sam u Louis Vuitton radnji. Ne mogu recima da opisem kako sam se osecala u tom trenutku. Cinjenica je da Louis Vuitton upravo u Parizu ima najvecu radnju na svetu! <3 Videla sam je iz daleka, jer radnja ima nekoliko spratova i inicijale na zadnjem spratu. Mojoj sreci nije bilo kraja. Kao dete sam potrcala do izloga i gledala svaki detalj. Kad sam se malo sabrala, odlucili smo da udjemo unutra. Na samom ulazu oci su mi zasuzile, ali sam se kontrolisala. Prvo sto sam videla su koferi koji se pruzaju skroz do plafona, izgleda kao da lebde u vazduhu. Sve izgleda nestvarno, ali ja sam ipak unutra. Samo sam cutala i razgledala, ostala sam bez reci. Sve je savrseno, prodavci pokazuju musterijama torbe, ja prolazim i dalje ne verujem. Sve blista. Cak su i one njihove braon kese presavrsene. Atmosfera je toliko opustena, da se osecas kao kod svoje kuce. Manijak sam sto se torba tice, tako da sam uzivala gledajuci ih. Sve u svemu, moji utisci su najpozitivniji moguci. <3

Posle Louis Vuitton-a, obisli smo ostale radnje u ulici Champs-Elysees.
Posetili smo Trijumfalni kapiju, a potom otisli na Trocadero da slikamo Ajfelovu kulu.
Vreme nas nije posluzilo, pa smo odlucili da neki drugi dan odemo na nju. :-D
I think that this post will be the longest so far , and for good reason . :-) <3
Third day in Paris made ​​me dream . I was at the Louis Vuitton store. No words to describe how I felt at that moment . The fact that Louis Vuitton in Paris just has the biggest store in the world! < 3 I saw her from afar , because action has several floors and initials on the top floor . My happiness knew no bounds . As a child, I ran to the window and looked at every detail . When I got his thoughts , we decided to go inside . At the entrance to my eyes watered , but I controlled . The first thing I saw were cases that provide all the way up to the ceiling , seem to float in the air . Everything seems unreal, but I am still here. I just kept quiet and seen it, I'm speechless . Everything is perfect, sellers show clientele bags, I'm going through and still do not believe it. Everything shines . Even the ones their brown bags perfect. The atmosphere is so relaxed, you feel right at home. I'm a maniac as far as the bag , so I enjoyed watching them . All in all , my impressions are most positive possible . < 3

After Louis Vuitton 's, we visited other shops at Champs - Elysees .
We visited the Arc de Triomphe and Trocadero then went to take a picture of the Eiffel Tower .
Time not on our side , so we decided to go another day on it. :-D


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